Positivity rate continues to decline, Ky. adds 2,756 COVID-19 cases

The positivity rate for COVID-19 in Kentucky continues to decline, as Governor Andy Beshear reported 2,756 new cases Friday.

According to a news release, the positivity rate dropped below 11 percent for the first time in several weeks, down to 10.80 percent.  Governor Beshear thinks it’s a good sign that cases are in decline and he says, “I see people wearing masks now more than ever and engaging in social distancing when they can. Keep it up. We are going to beat this virus in 2021. We’ve just got to protect everyone until we get there.”

He also reported 36 new deaths Friday, putting the death toll at 3,337—Governor Beshear held a memorial ceremony to honor and remember the over 3,000 lives that have been lost due to this virus in the state.

There are currently 1,561 Kentuckians in the hospital with the virus, 387 in the ICU and 195 on a ventilator.

The Tennessee Department of Health reported 4,064 new cases there, along with 93 new deaths, putting the death toll in the Volunteer State at 8,777.