Gov announces 2,250 new COVID cases, vetoes for bills limiting emergency powers

There were 2,250 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Kentucky Tuesday and the commonwealth is asking for larger weekly amounts of vaccine.

Governor Andy Beshear says Kentucky has been efficient in administering vaccines once they are received, but supply is the issue. He is requesting that the government double Kentucky’s weekly allotment of the COVID vaccines.

Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack says he’s confident Kentucky is ready to administer vaccine quickly and seamlessly as the supply increases in the coming weeks.

All residents and staff at skilled level care nursing homes have been offered the first dose of the vaccine and a first clinic has been held at two-thirds of assisted living facilities, according to the governor’s office.

Another 27 deaths were reported, bringing the toll to 3,190. There are 1,633 Kentuckians hospitalized, 442 in the ICU and 208 are on a ventilator.

It was also announced that hospitals will receive an additional $800 million to $1 billion annually to help advance the quality of care of Medicaid members and help those facilities remain financially stable.

Unsurprisingly, the governor announced he’s vetoed bills passed by the General Assembly that would limit his emergency powers, claiming polls show a majority of Kentuckians support the pandemic mitigation mandates and recommendations that he’s implemented.

Beshear intends to meet with legislative leaders to see if there’s room for compromise.

Tennessee reported 2,057 new cases and 40 additional deaths. The number of Tennesseans hospitalized with the virus has dropped to 2,647 and the positivity rate fell to 12.43 percent.