It felt like the first day of school again for many Christian County Public School students Tuesday, as they returned to traditional, in-person instruction.
It was a smooth start to their return to in-person, according to Superintendent Chris Bentzel, who says many students and teachers alike were eager to return to normal. The elementary schools had the most regular return, but middle and high school students are having a different experience, as they are in an ‘advisory’ model of learning for at least the next week. He says the failure rates this year are much too high, and getting students back in school will help get them back on track.
Students are abiding by all COVID-19 health guidelines, with breaks outside for a mask-free time, and Bentzel says their COVID numbers for the district are looking pretty good.
Roughly 330 students transferred out of the Virtual Learning Academy and back into in-person instruction Tuesday, while around 40 went into VLA. Bentzel says he’s eager to get students learning as they should be again with the time they have left this year while making sure everyone stays healthy and safe.