Life, legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. celebrated

Monday was the 92nd birthday of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and people across the nation celebrated and honored his memory with various ceremonies.

Murray State University hosted a virtual ceremony Monday morning, with the message of wondering what individuals can do for others and if we are all doing what we can to help others in their lives.  MSU President Dr. Bob Jackson says the university is intent to remember the messages Dr. King spent his life teaching others.

Keynote speaker Dr. Kevin D. Woodgett says Dr. King set the wheels in motion that made people realize they could change the world through organization and love.  He says that those lessons can still be applied today, as each person must decide their own paths in life.

He says it’s all about positive engagement with the world and people around you, and accepting change as it comes and moving forward with it.

Dr. Woodgett says Dr. King was very clear that life is not about the destination, but the journey itself.  He says the people remain challenged to do right by their fellow man, and to advance themselves past just being ‘intelligent’—but to also have compassion, honesty and the capacity to love others.