City council waives alcoholic beverage license fees

Hopkinsville City Council approved waiving the Alcoholic Beverages License Fees for local businesses at Tuesday’s virtual meeting, and heard an update on the Economic Development Council spec building.

Bids have recently come back in on the spec building set to be built in partnership with the South West Economic Development Council, the City of Hopkinsville and Christian Fiscal Court, with Industrial Development Board Chair John Crenshaw saying they’ve managed to save some money on costs and the interest payments should be less than previously expected.

Construction is expected to take from 8 to 10 months, with the hope of selling the building soon after its completion to an interested industry.

Chief Financial Officer Robert Martin says they approved 202 applications for the small business stimulus grant program, with $26,969 left in the fund.

The city is set to receive around $690,000 more funding from the CARES Act sometime in the near future.  In other action, city council approved waiving the fees for Alcoholic Beverages Licenses for the 2021 calendar year for certain businesses in the city limits, in an effort to assist businesses with recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.