The Christian County Public School System is continuing to provide what services they can to area students while Non-Traditional Instruction takes place, as ordered by Governor Andy Beshear.
Superintendent Chris Bentzel says teachers are making multiple home visits every day to keep track of student progress, health and more, and there have been targeted groups of children that have been allowed to meet in two-hour time tables to provide needed intervention.
He believes the numbers of local COVID-19 cases, which have included an increase of individuals 18-years of age and younger, show that there are ramifications to not being in-person at school.
Bentzel says they were informed by the Governor’s Office that teachers and staff will be in the third wave of people who can get vaccinated, once vaccines become available.
Bentzel says he knows that this time has been very difficult for parents, and the school system is itching to get children back into the buildings and learning once again—but they legally must follow the executive order set down by the governor. He says in the meantime, while providing services from food to intervention to tutoring, they gearing up to have kids back in school come January 4.