Arts Council “Let Us Entertain You” cookbooks now available

The Pennyrile Arts Council is proud to unveil their latest project—Let Us Entertain You, a cookbook focusing on local foods and specialties.

The book contains around 600 recipes from numerous chefs and cooks from across the area, and Executive Director Margaret Prim says the books will be available for pick up starting next week at the Alhambra Theatre and local retailers.

She says they’re very excited to share this book with people—it’s been a labor of love and is an interesting combination of cooking, local heritage, music and entertainment.

There will be a launch party, open house at the Alhambra on Monday from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m., where copies of the book will be available for purchase.  For more information on the book and how to get a copy, contact the Arts Council at 270-887-4295.