Rep. Dossett disappointed with Supreme Court’s ruling on Gov’s emergency powers

Ninth District state Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke is disappointed with a Kentucky Supreme Court Ruling Thursday that reaffirmed the governor’s power to issue mandates and guidelines during a declared state of emergency.

Attorney General Daniel Cameron challenged Governor Andy Beshear’s authority to issue mandates on mask-wearing, restaurant capacity and other measures related to slowing spread of COVID-19. Justices ruled Thursday unanimously in the governor’s favor.

Representative Dossett sent an email to area media saying, “I am extremely disappointed in how the Court ruled and only hope that the Governor will be compelled to see the need to work with the legislature to best serve the people of Kentucky. Our role as the branch of government closest to the people and responsible for crafting a budget, is critical to moving our state forward.”

He says he’s, “extremely concerned that another shutdown would create an economic catastrophe and lead to more businesses closing, more employees forced into unemployment, and more communities suffering the loss of revenue to pay for police and emergency services.”

Dossett notes that there are still thousands of Kentuckians waiting for their unemployment claim to be processed and says, “When we return in January, I am confident we will look at better defining emergency powers and am committed to working with my colleagues to pass legislation that helps Kentuckians recover from this pandemic and our state’s response to it.”