Toby Hudson receives statewide Parks and Recreation recognition

Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Programs Coordinator Toby Hudson was presented Wednesday with the Kentucky Recreation and Parks Society 2020 Professional of the Year.

Local officials say Hudson has played an integral role in the creation of the Kentucky Turf Grass Association and helped re-establish the Maintenance and Grounds workshops for KRPS.

Hudson began his career as a groundskeeper at Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation, was promoted to assistant recreation programs coordinator, and eventually to the role of recreation programs coordinator.

Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman says in a news release that, “Toby is a rising star in the parks and rec field and I cannot think of a person who deserves this recognition more. He is always happy and eager to share his talents and knowledge in programming, sports turf care, facility maintenance and special events logistics with anyone who asks for assistance. We are so proud of him and this honor.”

He is a graduate of the 2019-20 Leadership Hopkinsville program and  is a past winner of the Christian County Chamber Military Affairs Committee Eagle Ambassadors Service Award.