Spring semester guidelines at APSU to be very similar to fall

Austin Peay State University is announcing intent to move forward with plans for its upcoming Spring 2021 semester, offering face-to-face, hi-flex hybrid and online courses.

A news release says while course delivery will be the same as the fall semester, the main changes will be centered on the spring break schedule. The new schedule is designed to provide more three and four-day weekend breaks, with no classes on Feb. 15 and March 11-12.

Additionally, there will be two days held for urgent circumstances that may necessitate their use, such as a temporary pause on classes due to COVID-19 cases. If these days are not used by a predetermined date, APSU officials will add them to the calendar.

Classes will begin as originally planned on Jan. 19 and end April 28, with exams scheduled April 30 – May 6.

Officials say APSU will make adjustments based on case numbers and CDC, state and local guidelines. Mask and social distancing mandates will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.

Commencement ceremonies for spring are planned for May 7, pending the number of graduates and CDC guidelines.