City council to wait on filling vacant Ward 4 seat until after election

Hopkinsville City Council will wait until after Election Day to fill the now vacant Ward 4 seat, as determined at a Thursday special called meeting.

The council has 30 days by law to fill the seat—which was previously held by longtime Council member Paul Henson, who passed away recently following a battle with lung cancer—and council member Phillip Brooks put forth the motion to wait and see who wins in Tuesday’s election.  He feels it would be irresponsible to fill that seat before the people have their say.

Whoever wins the election for that Ward—which is now between Chuck Crabtree and Bradley Garabrandt—would be sworn in to fill Henson’s unexpired term at the next council meeting, before being sworn into their own term in December.

Since Henson withdrew from the race prior to his passing, he cannot be claimed the victor in the election, even though his name appears on the ballot. Council approved the action unanimously, and then went into closed session for discussions of an economic development proposal and property acquisition.

Council approved a municipal order finding property near US 41-A south of Fidelio Road is required for public purpose so the City can acquire the property through eminent domain to allow for construction of a Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority water main.