Hopkinsville native studying UK raising funds to benefit animal orgnization

A Hopkinsville native currently undertaking education in London, is set to participate in a physically demanding fundraiser to raise money to benefit animals across the world.

Gabriella Lynn attended University Heights Academy and the Gatton Academy, and is now studying at the Royal Veterinary College in the United Kingdom.  She also worked at Mansfield Animal Hospital in Hopkinsville and as an assistant at Equine Assisted Transitions.

Lynn is set to begin a Choose a Challenge charity, and she chose to climb mountains in England, Scotland and Wales to raise £680 to benefit Born Free – a charity which ensures that all wild animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live their lives according to their needs.

The challenge begins at Ben Nevis Mountain, the highest mountain in Scotland. The summit is 1,345 meters above sea level. The team will then travel seven hours to climb Scafell Pike, England’s tallest peak which reaches 978 meters above sea level. After a short four-hour journey to North Wales, Snowdon, the most mountainous and steep of the three peaks will be ascended to complete the challenge.

Lynn says, “Compassionate animal conservation is so important and that is why I agreed to take part in the Three Peaks Challenge. I know it will be hard work and there is a lot of training involved but I am so grateful for this opportunity.”

Donations can be made to the endeavor by going online here.