Relay for Life celebrates $81k raised at drive-thru event

Despite a pandemic that caused the cancellation of its main event this summer, Christian County Relay for Life celebrated raising over $81,000 this year during a drive-thru event Saturday afternoon at the Christian County Justice Center.

Relay Chair Pam Futrell announced that total, thanking all teams, individuals and donors for their efforts in uncertain times.

First Street Missionary Baptist Church, Douglas Autotech, the Cole family, Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, and Team Faith were the top five fundraising teams.

Futrell says the drive-thru celebration and all money raised honors those who are fighting cancer and those who have lost their battle.

Christian County Judge-Executive Steve Tribble read a proclamation announcing it as Relay Day in Hopkinsville and Christian County.

The theme for this year’s Relay was “Hope is Contagious.”