Ky. sees another high day of COVID-19 cases

Kentucky gained another 1,487 new cases of COVID-19, as announced by Governor Andy Beshear Wednesday, who says Kentucky is fully in a third escalation of the virus.

That brings the overall total of cases up to 90,996 and the positivity rate is also back on the rise, now up to 5 percent.  Governor Beshear says he’s not sure what else he can say to get people on track to keeping the virus from spreading, and this third escalation is very concerning—due to many different factors.

He says percentages of those new cases will end up in hospitals, or could even die as result of the virus, and Kentuckians will have to start looking at what can be done to stop that spread if things don’t start improving soon.

It was a hard day with the number of deaths—21 more Kentuckians have now died, putting the death toll at 1,363.  The governor says they have no intention to stop weddings or tell people not to get together, but they do urge people to keep it to 10 people or less and wear masks and socially distance if possible.

The Tennessee Department of Health is reporting 2,292 new COVID-19 cases there, along with 18 new deaths.  Montgomery County gained 61 new cases, Robertson County reported 12 and Stewart County added only one.