Downtown Stroll, Sip and Shop taking place Saturday

The City of Hopkinsville will celebrate small businesses and downtown this coming Saturday, with another Downtown Stroll, Sip and Shop event.

Downtown Renaissance Director Holly Boggess appeared on WHOP Wednesday and says this event will take place Saturday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. to coincide events taking place that day at the Hopkinsville Brewing Company.

She says they’ll be giving out tote bags full of recipes, coupons and other information.

Boggess says they will be asking people to abide by all pandemic health guidelines while having fun exploring the shops downtown.

Unless something changes, there will be one more Stroll, Sip and Shop event this year on November 28, coinciding with Shop Small Saturday.  For more information about what upcoming events are taking place, follow the Downtown Renaissance District on Facebook.