VFW, community take a moment to remember those lost on 9/11

The sun was shining on the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America and Veterans of Foreign War Post 1913 held a remembrance ceremony.

Community members, elected officials, law enforcement officers, fire fighters and veterans all gathered together to remember those nearly 3,000 lives who were lost on September 11, 2001.  Post Commander John Brame says many people owe their lives to the brave men and women who ran into danger to save them—he says the victim’s came from all types of cultures and backgrounds, but the attackers were indiscriminate in their actions.

He says it’s Americans that make America truly great, and we will continue to face struggles and overcome them together.

Brame urged everyone to always remember what happened 19 years ago, both the tragedy that reshaped the United States and what came after, so maybe history will never repeat itself.

TAPS was played and balloons were released in memory of those who were lost that day, and even though services looked a little different this year with masks and social distancing, that didn’t stop people remembering together and recalling where they were on September 11, 2001.
