Fiscal Court keeps property tax rate the same

Christian Fiscal Court approved keeping the property tax rates the same Tuesday morning and discussed appropriation of the county’s CARES Act funds.

Magistrates unanimously voted to keep the tax rate on real property at 18.7 cents per $100 of assessed value. Squire Darrell Gustafson noted his concerns about reduced valuation assessments on some commercial and industrial properties that will spell reduced revenue.

Treasurer Walter Cummings says the county has only received about $850,000 of its approximately $2.2 million in promised CARES funding so far and it is being used to reimburse expenditures for salaries and benefits of first responders.

The next installment of CARES funding will be requested at the end of this month and a third near the end of the year.

Christian County Clerk Mike Kem notes some of those funds are helping pay for steps at the courthouse to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Court was asked about the CARES funding by Diane Wood during public comments.

In other action, magistrates approved a contract with the state to continue the substance abuse program for state inmates at the jail for another two years.