Person tests positive for COVID-19 at HCA

An individual at Heritage Christian Academy has tested positive for COVID-19.

HCA opened with in-person instruction August 18 and has numerous measures in place to prevent spread of the virus, including temperature checks, social distancing as much as possible and the wearing of masks when it’s not.

Healthy at School Officer Stephanie Boyd sent a letter to parents and staff saying the school is working closely with the Christian County Health Department and is following their guidance. If a student or staff member at HCA tests positive, the individual will quarantine for as long as the health department deems necessary.

Anyone who qualifies as a close contact of that individual will be notified and any contact of a current case at the school has already been informed, according to the letter.

Boyd tells WHOP News that one class is currently quarantined from school and school activities as a precautionary measure for a period of time and she anticipates them returning soon for in-person instruction.

No other details about the case are given to protect the individual’s privacy.