CCHD reports 19 new confirmed cases of COVID-19

The Christian County Health Department is reporting 19 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 from Thursday to Friday.

That puts the overall total of cases since the pandemic began at 558, and it also bumps the number of active cases back up to 181—to date, 371 people have recovered from the virus locally.  Breaking it down into age groups there are 38 active cases in the pediatric age group, 96 in the young adult to middle aged grouping, 39 in the older adult category and eight in the elderly age group.

Christian County has had six COVID-19 related deaths.  The health department urges people to keep social distancing when possible, frequently wash your hands and wear a face mask in public—they clarify that if some has been a direct contact with a COVID positive person, they are asked to ‘quarantine’ for 14 days because the virus can take up to 14 days to present symptoms and be detectible. If someone has tested positive for COVID-19, they are placed into ‘isolation’. Generally, the virus runs its course in 10 days or so, so isolation is at least 10 days.

Those conditions can change, based on the individual case.