Ky. unemployment system has data breach, state gains 619 COVID-19 cases

Kentucky gained 619 cases of COVID-19 from Tuesday to Wednesday, according to Governor Andy Beshear, who says the fight continues to contain the escalation.

Those cases bring the overall total in the Commonwealth up to 28,727, and the governor says the data is showing that, at the moment, the state is on track to stabilize the number of cases.

He says it’s too early to tell for sure, but it’s likely the measures that have already been taken—including face masks, limiting gatherings numbers and more—have had an impact on flattening the curve. The positivity rate has gone back up to 5.81 percent, while approximately 609,889 tests have been performed in the state.

The Governor says there was another data breach of the unemployment systems, with no data concerning financial or personal information being in jeopardy, and they are investigating what occurred.

Five more Kentuckians have died, putting that total at 724 since the pandemic began in Kentucky.  Testing continues to ramp up in Kentucky’s state penitentiaries, along with other measures to help control the spread of COVID-19 in those facilities.

Tennessee gained another 1,778 positive COVID-19 cases, according to the Tennessee Department Health, putting their total officially at 100,822, plus 21 new deaths, up to 1,020.  Montgomery County gained 42 cases, Robertson County gained 29 cases and Stewart County gained three cases.