Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation is bringing back the Movies in the Park series on Friday night with a showing of Aladdin at Tie Breaker Park.
Parks and Recreation Coordinator Toby Hudson appeared on WHOP Wednesday and says the live action Aladdin will start around 8 p.m. when the sun goes down—he urges people to keep an eye on the weather in case they need to postpone.
He says social distancing guidelines will be in place as always, and you can also have the drive-in movie experience.
There will be food trucks on site and attendees are asked to wear masks when ordering food and taking it back to their area. After Friday, the next Movies in the Park will be August 14 with Sonic the Hedgehog at Ruff Park. For more information about Movies in the Park or other upcoming events, follow Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation on Facebook.