COVID-19 cases continue to climb in Kentucky

Cases of COVID-19 continue to escalate in Kentucky, as Governor Andy Beshear announced 611 new cases from Thursday.

That elevates the overall total 25,147—with approximately 565,490 tests have been administered so far in the state, putting the seven day average positivity rate at 4.94 percent. The number of hospitalizations was down some, with 581 Kentuckians currently in the hospital, with the Governor saying capacity remains good.

He reported that in Thursday’s number, 21 of the positives were children under the age of five years old.  Seven more Kentuckians have died in relation to COVID-19—including a staff member of a long-term care facility—bringing that total up to 684 in the Commonwealth.

Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services Eric Freidlander says testing capacity will continue to increase in long-term care facilities, and those facilities can expect to see more PPE in the near future.

Approximately 7,046 people have recovered from the virus, though the Governor believes it’s likely more than that have done so, based on reporting discrepancies.

The Tennessee Department of Health is reporting 2,570 new cases, up to 86,987 and 37 new deaths, putting that at 925.  Montgomery County is reporting 1,288 total cases, Robertson County is up to 1,197 and Stewart County is at 50 cases.