Fort Campbell parents can choose between virtual and in-person instruction

Parents on Fort Campbell will be able to choose between virtual and in-person instruction when schools on post open next month.

Fort Campbell and 101st Airborne Division Commander, Maj. General Brian Winski says there has been an uptick in new cases of the virus on post, with one-half of one-percent of active duty soldiers having tested positive.

Two patients are admitted at Blanchfield Army Community Hospital with coronavirus—a retiree and a retiree dependent—and they are expected to make full recoveries.

Fort Campbell schools pushed back their opening date to August 24 and parents will choose whether they prefer to continue with virtual instruction or send their students back to their building.

He says it’s possible Fort Campbell schools could transition to virtual learning exclusively again if the COVID outbreak worsens.

Maj. General Winski made his remarks during a virtual town hall on Facebook Live this week.