Dunning indicted for attempted murder of deputy

A Christian County Grand Jury has returned an indictment for three counts of attempted murder of a police officer against Bradley Dunning of Dawson Springs.

Dunning is additionally indicted on charges of possession of a handgun by a convicted felon, receiving stolen property, burglary, criminal mischief and first-degree persistent felony offender in relation to an incident that occurred in June. Sgt. Brandon Myers was on patrol on the Eagle Way Bypass when he saw taillights at the edge of a cornfield near the Pennyrile Parkway interchange. He made his way onto the Parkway ramp and could see Dunning on an ATV attempting to cross a wire fence.

An arrest citation says a computer check showed Dunning was sought on a warrant and that he requested EMS, claiming he had also struck a tree on the ATV. Sgt. Myers was running a check on the VIN number of the ATV after noticing markings similar to those on city vehicles as Dunning was lying face down on the ATV with his hands out.

As Sgt. Myers knelt down he heard three clicks and looked up to see Dunning with a revolver pointed at his head. The revolver didn’t fire and Sgt. Myers drew his duty weapon, causing Dunning to drop his gun and put his hands in the air.

Dunning was then restrained and placed in custody until backup arrived. Further investigation determined Dunning had driven a vehicle stolen out of Princeton to Tie Breaker Park, where the ATV was stolen.

Indicted for first-degree attempted assault, two counts of first-degree wanton endangerment, tampering with physical evidence and use of restricted ammunition during a felony is 41-year old Foster James of Hopkinsville. James was in an argument with a neighbor while in the neighbor’s apartment in the 2900 block of South Virginia in May when he allegedly pulled out a handgun and fired a round. The bullet went in and out of the victim’s right front pants pocket, but did not enter his body and the man was not injured. Two other people were also inside the same room during the gunfire and were not hurt.