Todd Fiscal Court approves lease agreement, hears other updates

Todd Fiscal Court approved a lease agreement with Hopkinsville Community College during a special-called meeting Tuesday and heard updates on COVID-19 and the primary election process.

The lease agreement for $2,000 monthly allows HCC to utilize the tech center on the Todd County Central High School campus for welding instruction and should only last through the end of the year at the most.

Emergency Management Director Daniel Smith received approval to continue purchasing PPE as needed when it becomes available and says the local number of cases of COVID-19 remains manageable at 36—with only eight of those active.

Todd County Clerk Cindy O’Bryan says the primary election went as well as could be expected under unusual circumstances.

Magistrates approved an $8,500 annual contract with Christian Fiscal Court to continue taking stray cats and dogs to the Christian County Regional Animal Shelter.