HCC likely to utilize Todd County tech center in coming months

Todd Fiscal Court will likely vote on a lease agreement Tuesday afternoon that would allow Hopkinsville Community College to utilize the tech center on the campus of Todd County Central High School, but the ultimate goal is to have local high school students learning in the building again in the future.

The lease is for $2,000 monthly and that is more than enough to cover the costs of utilities. The lease on a month by month basis isn’t expected to go past the end of the year.

Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield notes the Todd Fiscal Court takes control of the building July 1 without an agreement with the school system in place and HCC needed the building for welding instruction.

The building’s intended purpose is still for high school students and adults to be able to utilize the building to prepare them for a career, but Judge Mansfield says the arrangement with HCC is a way to keep the building in use for the time being.

Judge Mansfield will be meeting with new Todd County School System Superintendent Mark Thomas in the coming weeks and months to work on an agreement to bring high school curriculum back to the tech center.

The Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center project was a collaboration between HCC, the Todd County School System and Todd Fiscal Court—which owns the building.