Gov. says state continues to meet thresholds to reopen safely

Governor Andy Beshear says he continues to believe the state can keep reopening while making sure to do it safely thanks to data, and announced 245 new cases of COVID-19 in Tuesday’s update.

Those 245 new cases brings the total in the Commonwealth up to 11,721, since the pandemic began.  Governor Beshear says since they continue to maintain thresholds to reopen the economy, soon restaurants and other businesses will be able to host 50 percent capacity.

His administration has also approved the State Fair proposal to have it, saying it will look very different from years past. Beshear says the virus is still out there, and people to need make sure they’re still meeting those health guidelines.

The Governor says if the number of positive cases continues to stay in a manageable range, then he believes that schools would be able to open in the fall as normal—but he warns against what he calls ‘COVID fatigue’, which could cause people to grow lax.

So far, 287,597 people have been tested for COVID-19 across the state—3,365 people have recovered. Five more Kentuckians have died, putting that total at 477. Governor Beshear says it’s his goal to make sure that all Kentuckians who need health insurance have access to it—but for now they are starting with the African American community, which appears to be more heavily impacted by COVID-19.

Tennessee saw 631 new cases from Monday to Tuesday, bringing their total to 27,575 and 14 deaths, up to 435.  Montgomery County gained nine cases to 310, Robertson County gained 13 cases to 580 and Stewart County is at 14 cases.