Museums of Historic Hopkinsville gearing up to reopen

When the Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County reopen, it will be with some new ways to interact with exhibits and with health guidelines in place.

Museum Director Alissa Keller appeared on WHOP Friday and says that the museum just barely got to reopen from extensive renovations when they had to close up shop again due to the pandemic.  She says the public will able to visit again, but it will have to be by appointment in designated times.

Keller says their exhibits will have extensive sanitizing and attendees will still be able to interact with them.

She says there are multiple ways to make an appointment, including through the Museums of Hopkinsville website.

The museums were closed on March 14 in relation to the pandemic, so Keller says they’re very excited to have patrons coming back in. They are asking visitors to wear a mask and there will be hand sanitizer provided.  For more information, call the museums at 270-887-4270.