HCC names ‘Healthy at Work’ officer

All of the 16 KCTCS institutions, including Hopkinsville Community College, have announced their ‘healthy at work’ officers to help ensure the health and safety of all students and employees.

Director of Human Resources Yvonne Glasman will be the HCC healthy at work officer and HR Director Kim Jones will be the officer at Madisonville Community College.

The officers will be responsible for overseeing that their colleges are taking every precaution recommended by the CDC and the state.

That includes masks being worn by everyone on the property and classrooms being spaced for social distancing.

All employees will take training before returning to campus and they must do an online health check each day to make sure they are healthy before coming to work.

Students will be asked to do a temperature self-check every day before coming on campus and some common areas will be closed to avoid large groups congregating.

Campus maintenance and operations staff will continue to clean and sanitize surfaces, doors and other areas that are frequently touched.