City council postpones action on non-partisan elections, approves first reading of budget

Hopkinsville City Council approved first reading of a budget Tuesday night and deferred action on an ordinance to transition to non-partisan local elections in 2022.

Council approved a motion postponing final reading of the non-partisan election ordinance until the July 7 meeting, as long as council members are again meeting at City Hall with the public able to attend. The decision to postpone the vote came following the recommendation of Hopkinsville Mayor Wendell Lynch.

The mayor expects in-person meetings to resume in July with a crowd of up to 50 people possible. Attendees could rotate in and out if a larger crowd arrives to give input.

The $38.5 million operational budget for the upcoming fiscal year approved on first reading requires departments to make four percent cuts to operations, while anticipating a seven percent drop in payroll tax revenue.

In other action, council approved an amendment to the budget for the current fiscal year that utilizes $1.4 million in prior year revenues. It also decreases anticipated revenues from taxes by about $900,000.