Data continues to show decline of COVID-19 cases in Ky.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced 127 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state during Wednesday’s update, and that continues to show Kentucky in a downward trend.

Governor Beshear says the data is favorable towards a decline, though they will continue to monitor it to be positive.

It brings the overall total in the Commonwealth up to 9,077 with 3,069 people having recovered. With testing increasing, 200,762 people have been tested, and the Governor says it needs to ramp up even further and they intend to do so. Six more Kentuckians have died, bring the total to 400 who have passed away since the pandemic began.

Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack once again stressed the importance of wearing a mask, saying that this small action could save someone’s life, even if you don’t know them.

He says that choosing to wear a mask is not a political statement and taking care to do those safety measures can keep the economy from shutting down again.

1,900 applications have been received to the Team Kentucky Fund, which is to help Kentuckians who have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and Lt. Governor Jacelyn Coleman says the virus has exposed the disparities that exist in the state.

The health guidelines for multiple aspects of the economy have been released, including for hair and nail salons, tattoo parlors, fitness centers and more, and they can be viewed online at  New guidance is being updated daily.

Tennessee has 21,306 cases of COVID-19 and is reporting 353 deaths.  Montgomery County gained seven cases to 258 cases, Robertson County gained 12 cases to 426 and Stewart County gained an additional case to 10.