Dates have been announced for the reopening of Hopkinsville city buildings and parks.
Some city employees will return to their work stations at the Municipal Center Monday, though others will continue to work from home. As previously reported, guests will be allowed at City Hall by appointment only June 1 and the tax and revenue drive-thru window will remain open.
The Hopkinsville Police Department is currently allowing visitors in its front lobby, but there are no police ride-alongs until further notice.
The Public Works Office will reopen its front office June 1, but visitors will have to wear a mask.
Hopkinsville Electric System will reopen its lobby to limited traffic during the final full week of May and HWEA will reopen to limited traffic June 1.
The Human Rights Commission is continuing with telework and seeing customers by appointment until further notice.
Meanwhile, city parks will reopen for walking and exercising June 1, though playgrounds won’t reopen until June 15.
The Skatepark will reopen June 1, in addition to the Sportsplex for walking and open gym activities.
The disc golf courses at Trail of Tears and DeBow Park will also reopen June 1.
The Tie Breaker athletic complex will reopen for practice and local leagues June 15 and for tournaments on July 1.
Additional specific social distancing, mask and health guidelines will be in place at each location.