Task forces created to form reopening plan of Kentucky court system

The Supreme Court of Kentucky has launched three new task forces that will determine what the proper phasing and procedures will be to reopen the court system in the state.

According to a news release, the courts remained closed to the public through May 31, but Chief Justice John Minton says they must use this time to determine the best way to go about opening the courts to limit in-person hearings.  He has formed three task forces, one each for Circuit, Family and District courts. A Supreme Court justice will head each task force, with judges and circuit clerks from throughout the commonwealth serving as its members.

He says one of the main concerns is how to handle traffic flow in court facilities to minimize lines in the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk and avoid large crowds in courtrooms—they will take feedback from judges and circuit clerks.

Chief Justice Minton says, “We carefully planned how to provide essential services while observing social distancing and I’m confident we will just as carefully prepare to resume in-person services.”