Hopkins County plans week to honor high school seniors

Hopkins County gained only one additional COVID-19 case from Thursday to Friday and the school district there is planning a full week to honor its seniors while maintaining hope for an in-person graduation.

Judge-Executive Jack Whitfield says Hopkins County has 206 total cases and 107 of those individuals have recovered. Hopkins County’s death toll remained at 22.

Madisonville Mayor Kevin Cotton says the rate of increase in new cases has been going down and he’s encouraging residents to continue good social distancing and hygiene practices.

The Hopkins County School System will hold Senior Spirit Week from May 11-15 and it includes a sendoff on that Monday where business owners will be encouraged to place messages of good will on their signs, marquee or windows. There will be virtual baccalaureate services streamed for Madisonville North-Hopkins and Hopkins County Central high schools May 14 and the week concludes with an online senior celebration May 15.

Even with all of that, Madisonville-North Principal Adam Harris says he’s thankful the school district still plans to hold in-person graduations when conditions and guidance allows.

May 4 is the last day of virtual instruction for students in the Hopkins County School System.