More services reopening at Tennova hospital Monday

Tennova Healthcare in Clarksville will be reopening more of its non-emergency services Monday that had been closed by the pandemic.

Officials say the hospital is following Governor Bill Lee’s executive order allowing some elective surgeries and procedures in hospitals with a low or no-COVID-19 census.

Numerous precautions for infection prevention, access control, social distancing and patient flow are in place to maintain a safe environment of care. All those entering the building will continue to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, including having their temperature taken.

Most patients will be asked to bring a mask with them for their appointment and to wear while in the building. The daily number of procedures performed is being limited and furniture in waiting areas has been spaced to maintain appropriate social distancing.

The Clarksville hospital will also be opening additional entrances on a limited basis. Patients arriving for outpatient services and expectant mothers may enter through the Main Entrance Monday through Friday during the hours of 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.

Patients scheduling surgery or other invasive procedures will be tested for COVID-19 in advance of the procedure.

Women giving birth will be allowed one caregiver, patients with communications needs will be allowed a visitor to assist, children can have one parent at appointments and patients in end of life situations will be allowed visitors.