Summer orientations going virtual at MSU

Summer orientation and admissions will look different for students intending to attend Murray State University in 2020, as most things will take place virtually.

In a Facebook Live video on Thursday, Director of the Office of Recruitment Shawn Smee says that students who have signed up, or who intend to, will have a four step orientation process that will hopefully conclude with on-campus activities in August.

Admissions will also take a different route this year to the University, due to many students being unable to take the necessary tests because of COVID-19.  Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Transfer Center Maria Rosa says they’ll be accepting almost entirely based on GPA and will work with students who don’t meet the bench mark.

Tours will happen virtually as well—both with the Murray campus and the Hopkinsville campus.  Admissions staff will also be available, by appointment, to do virtual consultations and provide guidance to incoming students.  For more information, contact Murray State University.