McConnell says funding in place for construction of new Fort Campbell middle school

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has announced that construction of a new Fort Campbell middle school will go forward with the necessary funding.

About $63 million was secured in the fiscal year 2019 appropriations bill, but the project was delayed when President Trump diverted funds from the Defense Department budget toward construction of the border wall.

A news release says Senator McConnell consistently pressed Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on the importance of this project to families of service members stationed at Ft. Campbell and urged him to restore the funding.

While some projects were deferred again this year, the replacement of Mahaffey Middle School on post will move forward with the necessary funding.

Senator McConnell says, “Kentucky is the most military friendly state in the country, and the completion of this project will make it easier for military families to call Christian County home. This is another great way to show our brave men and women in uniform how grateful we are for their service.”

Representative Walker Thomas says, “It is critically important that our soldiers know that while they are out fighting for us, their children are receiving a high quality education at home.”

Fort Campbell Commander, Maj. Gen. Brian Winski named construction of a new middle school as a top priority for the post during a recent visit to Hopkinsville.