More healthcare to open next week, some business May 11

More information was given on the reopening of Kentucky’s medical and business sectors during Governor Andy Beshear’s afternoon briefing Monday.

The governor announced 87 new cases from Sunday to Monday, bringing the total to 4,146. Part of the lower number of new cases was attributed to fewer test results coming in from over the weekend.

There were five new deaths to report and one death that is a probable COVID-19 case awaiting test results.

The transition from being healthy at home to healthy at work will begin Monday, May 11 and the governor says a gradual reopening of different sectors will continue each following Monday through June 1.

Additional details on what will open and when will be given later this week, but he says all Kentuckians will need to obtain a cloth mask to wear in public between now and May 11.

The governor says residents won’t be cited for not wearing a mask after May 11, but they will be encouraged to wear one for their safety and the safety of others.

Phase 1 of healthcare began Monday, allowing many non-emergent medical offices that had been closed by COVID-19 concerns to reopen and Health Commissioner, Dr. Steven Stack says Phase 2 comes Wednesday of next week, allowing outpatient and ambulatory surgery and invasive procedures to resume.

Click here for details on healthcare reopening.

Regarding unemployment, Governor Beshear says 150,000 claims were processed for payment Sunday night and 70,000 claims that had been pending since last month were set to be processed Monday night.

Tennessee has 9,918 total cases of COVID-19 and 814 deaths. Montgomery and Robertson counties each gained two new cases and are at 138 and Stewart County remains at seven cases.