Hopkinsville City Council to consider non-partisan elections

Hopkinsville City Council will soon consider transitioning to non-partisan elections following action Thursday night by the Committee of the Whole.

Councilman Terry Parker proposed an ordinance to maintain the ward system and to keep ward-exclusive primary elections, but without partisan labels. A citywide vote would still be held in November between the two-highest vote getters in each ward’s primary.

Parker says he wants to remove any hint of partisan rancor seen in state and national politics and wants everyone to be able to vote for their representation, regardless of partisan affiliation.

Chairman Phillip Brooks was one of four members opposed to the ordinance, fearing it paves the way to those with greater socioeconomic status becoming more politically powerful.

Council would not be able to change its election process again for another five years, should they go non-partisan.

Council members Kimberly McCarley, Patricia Bell and Darvin Adams joined Brooks in opposing the measure.

First reading of the ordinance will be heard at a future meeting of city council and the changes wouldn’t take effect until the 2022 election, if approved.