Gov. Beshear expounds on first phase of reopening healthcare services

The first phase of reopening Kentucky’s healthcare services was expounded upon during Governor Andy Beshear’s Thursday afternoon briefing.

There were 161 new COVID-19 cases from Wednesday to Thursday, bringing the total to 3,481. Six more Kentuckians died, including a 68-year old male from Muhlenberg County. A total of 191 Kentuckians have died since the pandemic began.

Governor Beshear announced phase one of opening healthcare services Monday will include non-urgent services at healthcare clinics and medical offices; physical therapy settings and chiropractic offices; optometrists; and dental offices with enhanced aerosol protections.

Health Commissioner, Dr. Steven Stack says social distancing rules will continue to apply—meaning no waiting rooms and no visitors for patients unless it’s a child or vulnerable adult who needs assistance.

Cabinet for Health and Family Services Secretary Eric Friedlander says there will not be a resumption of visitation at long-term care facilities anytime soon, as those remain Kentucky’s largest challenge in preventing the spread of the virus.

The governor said 747 people had been tested this week at the Kroger testing site at Madisonville-North Hopkins High School as of 4 p.m. Thursday and the Paducah site had seen 521 people.

Governor Beshear honored Hopkins County Deputy Terry Vick, who was killed in an auto accident Wednesday morning after working a security detail at the Madisonville testing site.

Tennessee is up to 8,266 total cases and 170 deaths. Stewart County is up to seven cases, Montgomery County has 128 and Robertson is at 125.