MLB Roundup

Arizona governor Doug Ducey says his state is willing to host all 30 major league teams at the time public health concerns allow, which eventually could lead to the start of the baseball season primarily in empty spring training ballparks. There are 10 spring training parks plus the Arizona Diamondbacks’ Chase Field, which has a retractable roof, and
several college facilities.

MLB leaders said Tuesday they are cutting the salary of senior staff by an average of 35% for this year due to the Covid-19 impact on the season. MLB is guaranteeing paychecks to its full-time employees of its central office through May. With no clarity on when the shutdown will end, players and staff intently follow the daily developments.

Major League Baseball players and team employees on 27 teams will be getting tested for coronavirus antibodies. Up to 10-thousand will be tested as part of a comprehensive study that will help researchers determine how widespread the virus is in metropolitan areas across the country. Test kits will have results in 10 minutes.