More Fort Campbell soldiers deploying for COVID-19 efforts.

Additional soldiers from Fort Campbell have deployed to the northeast to assist in the battle against COVID-19.

The 531st Hospital Center is already in New York and Fort Campbell commander, Maj. General Brian Winksi says about 10 soldiers from the 101st Sustainment Brigade deployed Tuesday to New Jersey.

Speaking during a virtual town hall Tuesday night, Maj. General Winksi said Fort Campbell has had about two dozen confirmed COVID-19 cases and approximately half have been active duty soldiers. The other half is family members of soldiers, retirees and dependents of retirees.  The only hospitalization was a military retiree who was discharged from Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Tuesday.

Command Sgt. Major Bryan Barker believes Fort Campbell and surrounding communities have done an overall good job of social distancing to prevent a major outbreak.

Blanchfield Commander, Col. Patrick Birchfield said the drive-thru testing tent was tossed aside by heavy winds in a recent storm and those needing to be tested for the virus are now entering the ‘C’ entrance to the hospital. That arrangement is only temporary until different accommodations can be made, according to Col. Birchfield.