EDC chosen to take part in TVA livability initiative

The South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council has been chosen to participate in the Tennessee Valley Authority community livability initiative.

According to a news release, the purpose of the Community Livability Initiative is to assist communities in sharing an impactful quality-of-place story to hopefully help attract economic growth.

Quality of place has become an increasing focus to companies when selecting a new location and community in which to migrate. The TVA started this initiative to help its communities effectively present their assets to prospective companies and talent that may want to migrate to their region.

Executive Director Carter Hendricks says, “We are excited to represent our region and learn invaluable lessons and tools to best tell our region’s impressive story and help recruit and retain industries. We are thankful to TVA for this opportunity and look forward to fully engaging in the process.”

Local community partners will identify and catalogue livability assets in the region, and then pitch the South Western Kentucky region livability story to consultants and economic development staff at a showcase. The initiative is fully sponsored by the TVA and will have no cost to the community. Once the plan is complete, action plans will be incorporated the regional economic development and tourism promotion strategies.