Hopkins County has two more COVID-19 deaths, 27 patients have recovered

Two more Hopkins County residents have died from COVID-19 and leaders there continue to plead for more citizens to comply with social distancing orders.

Public Health Director Denise Beach says there are now 77 total cases of COVID-19 and the two deaths of senior adults bring the total to six since the pandemic began.

She is pleading with citizens to not congregate this Easter weekend, noting many of the cases in Hopkins County have been related to social gatherings.

Twenty-seven of the 77 patients have made full recoveries and Beach says Hopkins County still has the third-most cases in the state.

Madisonville Mayor Kevin Cotton says to anyone who has refused to comply with orders to stay healthy at home so far—now is the time.

Beach is hopeful more Hopkins County residents are complying with the guidelines and that numbers will begin to improve in the near future.