Council approves municipal orders for Tie Breaker contract, HWEA project funding

Hopkinsville City Council met for a regularly scheduled meeting via video conference Tuesday evening and approved several municipal orders.

One of those municipal orders renews the contract between the Tie Breaker Family Aquatic Center and the local YMCA, with the YMCA operating the water park—as they have in the past.  The contract—that was upped for another four years—comes with the City of Hopkinsville paying the YMCA fees of approximately $223,800 for 2020, $228,300 for 2021, $232,860 for 2022, $237,520 for 2023 and $242,270 for 2024.

Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman says they will move forward on an increase to most admission prices into Tie Breaker this year by one dollar, which is projected to generate an additional $30,000 in revenue.  It will be the first time there has been an increase on admission in approximately a decade.

In other action, council approved a municipal order allowing Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority to pursue funding in the amount of $45 million from the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority.  Mayor Wendell Lynch says this order only gives them the authority to move forward with funding, and does not deal with possible rate increases.

The $45 million would go towards the expansion and renovation of the Hammond Wood Wastewater Treatment Plant.  The project could come with rate increases of 9.5 percent in the years 2022 through 2024.