Next two weeks crucial in Ky. battle against COVID-19 spread

Kentucky saw a drop in the number of new cases of COVID-19 from Saturday to Sunday, but Governor Andy Beshear says now is not the time to relax on social distancing and good hygiene practices.

There are a total of 439 cases, up 55 from Saturday, but less than the 92 new cases that were recorded from Friday to Saturday. Five of the new cases are in Hopkins County, where the Charleston Volunteer Fire Department said Sunday that one of its firefighters has tested positive. A social media post from the department says they believe he contracted it from a coronavirus patient in Dawson Springs he encountered while assisting an ambulance crew.

The governor says Calloway County has another case and Marshall County reported its first two confirmed cases Sunday.

Governor Beshear highlighted golf courses specifically, saying he’ll have to take further action if some do not do a better job of enforcing social distancing restrictions.

He gave similar guidance for stores that have been allowed to remain open.

Commissioner of Public Health, Dr. Steven Stack reiterated that these next couple weeks are critical for Kentucky to flatten the curve, allowing Kentucky to have sufficient medical facilities to treat those who do become sick.

The governor reiterated it’s going to take everyone being responsible by being healthy at home, by not congregating with others and by using good hygiene to keep Kentucky’s numbers as low as possible.

Tennessee is now reporting 1,537 coronavirus cases, with Montgomery County up to 13 and Robertson at 25.