Gov. Beshear gives Thursday afternoon COVID-19 update

Kentucky experienced its largest single-day jump from Wednesday to Thursday in coronavirus cases since the pandemic started.

There are 248 confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to numbers announced by Governor Andy Beshear, which marks 50 more than Wednesday’s total.

The governor noted it’s harder for counties along borders of states where the numbers are higher such as Tennessee to prevent the spread, but he asked Kentuckians to avoid the temptation to drive south and visit establishments that are closed here.

Tennessee currently has 957 cases, including six in Montgomery County and 20 Robertson County.

Governor Beshear is asking mayors and county judges to monitor their parks and to close them if they observe people not practicing social distancing.

He is urging people to use their time at home to complete their census forms, saying it will help Kentucky recover economically with the appropriate flow of federal dollars once this pandemic is over.

Even with the higher numbers, the governor noted the pace of Kentucky’s increase is slower than many other states in the region and says the efforts of Kentuckians are working.