Fort Campbell leaders give COVID-19 update

Officials on Fort Campbell are taking additional steps to keep soldiers and their families healthy during the COVID-19 crisis.

It was announced during a virtual town hall Tuesday night that the post is transitioning to mission essential status, meaning only essential personnel will be manning the post through at least April 3. Leaders stressed what that means exactly and who is considered essential can change rapidly.

Command Sgt. Major Bryan Barker urged soldiers to take the situation seriously and to stay prepared while at home.

Garrison Commander Jeremy Bell emphasized the post isn’t closing, but there will be a few additional health-related questions for anyone entering the gates.

There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus on post and Blanchfield Army Community Hospital has a waiting period of about seven to eight days for tests to come back—though they hope that is reduced soon.

Fort Campbell Commander, Maj. General Brian Winski says 179 soldiers are in quarantine, but most are in that status after returning from recent deployments.

He also announced the 531st Hospital Group will be deploying soon to assist with the COVID-19 outbreak in New York

Officials hope to see Fort Campbell schools open as soon as early May, though that is still very much up in the air, depending on how the situation plays out in the coming weeks.
Watch entire update below: