Commissioner says thank a farmer during National Ag. Week

National Ag. Week won’t feature the usual appreciation breakfasts and other in-person events to thank farmers for their work, but Kentucky Ag. Commissioner Ryan Quarles says now more than ever is a time to think of those who keep the country with an ample food supply.

The commissioner appeared on WHOP Wednesday morning and said his office will have a presence in the media and online this week thanking farmers.

While many businesses have been ordered to close to in-person traffic during this COVID-19 pandemic, Quarles says they’ve been able to keep suppliers important to agriculture open—though he does stress the need for those folks to implement proper social distancing procedures.

The shelves on many groceries have been bare recently, but Commissioner Quarles says that’s in large part because customers are buying more than they need—not because of any food supply shortage.

Quarles says the recent wet weather could have an impact on early planting, but farmers will adapt as they always have.

Listen to entire interview below: