Kentucky lawmakers looking at tight budget in 2020

The Kentucky General Assembly will gavel into session at noon Eastern time Tuesday with Republicans controlling both chambers and a Democrat in the Governor’s Mansion.

Everyone agrees that whatever budget is approved will be tight on spending and Senator Whitney Westerfield of Christian County says there’s not enough revenue to fund everyone’s request.

Near the top of Representative Walker Thomas’ wish list is funding work on Pennyrile Parkway interchanges in Christian and Hopkins counties to bring them up to the standards necessary for final Interstate 169 designation.

Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke says legislators will work to get the spending plan to the governor’s desk before the recess in April to allow them the final two days of session to override any items vetoed by Governor Andy Beshear.

It only takes a simple majority in both chambers to override a governors’ veto in the Kentucky General Assembly.